How to turn off discover people on Instagram?

How to turn off discover people on Instagram

In my ongoing journey to streamline my Instagram experience and reduce clutter, I found the Discover People section somewhat distracting. While this feature is designed to help users connect with new accounts based on mutual connections and shared interests, not everyone finds these recommendations beneficial. For those who prefer a more personalized feed that doesn’t … Read more

Can You See How Many Times Someone Viewed Your Instagram Story?

Can You See How Many Times Someone Viewed Your Instagram Story?

One of the most engaging features of Instagram is the ability to share fleeting moments of your day through Stories. This ephemeral nature makes each Story a snapshot, providing valuable insights into how your content resonates with your audience. A common question among Instagram users is whether you can see how many times your Story … Read more

How to send a gift message on Instagram

How to send a gift message on Instagram

Instagram has continually evolved, adding unique features that make our online conversations more fun and engaging. One such delightful feature is the ability to send a gift message through DMs (direct messages). This feature transforms a regular chat into a playful and surprising interaction by allowing you to send messages inside a virtual gift box. … Read more

How to Pause Instagram Reels and Use the Progress Bar?

How to Pause Instagram Reels

Ever wonder how to gain full control over your Instagram Reels viewing experience? Fortunately, with the 2024 updates, it’s easier than ever to pause, rewind, or skip ahead to the exact moment you want to relive or examine in detail. Here’s how you can master these features and never miss a moment again. When you’re … Read more

How to remove category on Instagram

How to remove category on Instagram

When managing your Instagram profile as an entrepreneur or musician, it’s vital to ensure that your displayed categories truly reflect your evolving brand identity and personal preferences. Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to remove or modify a category to align with your audience-attracting strategies. Firstly, navigate to your profile and tap ‘Edit Profile’. … Read more

How to clear Instagram search suggestions

How to clear Instagram search suggestions

If you’ve ever handed your phone over to a friend to show them a specific content or let them have a look at an influencer whose style you admire, you might have felt a twinge of shame if they started checking your search history. It’s almost like being on a slippery slope—one moment you’re sharing … Read more

What Does The Green Following Mean On Instagram?

What Does The Green Following Mean On Instagram

On Instagram, a platform known for its ability to boost personal expression and business growth, there lies a feature that has piqued the interest of many users. This seemingly simple, yet significant, aspect is the green Following button. What might appear as just a part of the interface holds more weight in how users interact … Read more

What does BTS Mean on Instagram?

What does BTS Mean on Instagram

While you’ve likely scrolled through Instagram and stumbled upon the #BTS hashtag, you might wonder what this somewhat cryptic message truly means. Does it refer to the well-known K-Pop supergroup, or is there more to unpack here? Let’s decipher this together and examine the hidden significance behind this acronym that connects ARMY and non-ARMY members … Read more

What does Post Unavailable mean on Instagram?‍

What does Post Unavailable mean on Instagram

Ever tried to view a post on Instagram and received the message that says, “Post Unavailable”? It can be both frustrating and curious, especially when you’re trying to catch up on what’s going on with a friend, celebrity, or brand. This article will explain the reasons why this might happen and what you can do … Read more